Friday, April 25, 2014

Racing Game Project 2

This was an assignment for my visual development class. The project was to pick an animal native to California and design two characters for a mud truck racing game. I decided to go with a deer hunter theme. These are some ideations for my deer driver, as well as my final jeep and my final character designs for my driver and gunner deer. This project helped me to discover the difficulties of creating textures for objects digitally as well as lighting characters and vehicles. I need to work more on these aspects in my future projects.

Animal Racing Game Project

These are some ideations for animal characters for a racing game. My original idea was to do traveling circus cars with either possum, or beaver, gunners and drivers. I also included some ideas for what the cars would look like. The possum gunner would hang upside down off the back on the hula hoop-like structures attached to the back of the vehicles.

NYC 1980's Flower Shop

This is an exterior and interior of a flower shop in gritty 1980's New York City. I included a character design of the flower shop owner. I had a ton of fun with the 80's color palette and trying to capture the essence of the 80's. This was a challenging process. 

El Dorado Zipa Ideations

These are ideations for a Columbian ruler called a Zipa. The Zipa was a leader of the Muisca people who took gold and other treasures and dumped them into Lake Guatavita to appease Bochica, a serpent they believed to inhabit the lake. The story led to the legend of El Dorado, the City of Gold.